Why Parents Should Get Their Children Involved in Youth Sports

Physical fitness is a key indicator of a well-rounded lifestyle at any age. In developmental years, however, planting the seed of fitness, healthy competition, and a positive mindset can have rippling positive effects down the line. Youth sports participation is a fantastic way for your child to not only get active but to develop skills that will carry them through life. At Meridianville Athletic Association, we believe in creating future leaders with the tools to succeed. Here’s how we do that.

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Social Skills

What are the similarities between your child joining a youth basketball league and a youth volleyball league? In one regard, it’s the social skills built. Your child can develop long-lasting friendships and learn communication, teamwork, and sportsmanship. These social skills will carry them through school and work as they have an advantage when it comes to forming friendships and networks in their adult lives.

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Mental Health

The National Institute of Health notes that over 20% of youth in the United States have a mental health issue, and the issue seems to be becoming increasingly dire. It’s imperative that we take mental health in children seriously — and sports participation can have a lasting, positive effect on mindset.

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Leadership Skills

Leadership and self-motivation go hand-in-hand. A youth baseball league or a youth cheerleading program, for example, creates an environment in which the quality of leadership is allowed to flourish (as opposed to the classroom setting, where following instruction is key to success).

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A Better Future

It has been found that adolescents who play sports are eight times more likely to be active at age 24 than adolescents who don’t. What this means is that youth sports define a lifestyle and that lifestyle choice continues through adulthood.

Getting your child involved in youth sports is a gift that keeps on giving. Physical fitness goes without saying — but priceless benefits like social skills, leadership skills, and goal-setting will put your child miles ahead. To inquire about the Meridianville Athletic Association, click here to find youth sports programs near me.

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